Competition Law and State Aid:

The lawyers and attorneys at “CersJurkāns” provide professional consultation in matters of competition law and state aid, including issues related to the prohibition of abuse of dominant position, cartel and prohibited agreement detection, company mergers, and state aid approval, as well as litigation related to competition law and state aid issues.

Our services in the field of competition law and state aid:

  • Research and preparation of opinions to ensure company operations comply with competition law and state aid regulations, preventing violations such as abuse of dominant position, cartel, and prohibited agreements;
  • Individual legal consultations on state aid and competition law regulations;
  • Preparation and submission of merger notifications to the Competition Council and, if necessary, the European Commission;
  • Preparation of submissions to the Competition Council, as well as responses to requests from the Competition Council;
  • Preparation of applications to the court regarding decisions of the Competition Council;
  • Representation of clients before the Competition Council and in court;
  • Assessment of the permissibility of state aid, preparation of documents for state aid approval by the European Commission;
  • Representation of clients in litigation related to state aid issues;
  • Representation of clients in matters related to liability for competition law violations and compensation for resulting damages;
  • Legal support in the process of restoring the company’s reputation.

Why Choose Our Law Firm:

The regulation of competition law and state aid is complex, and it is essential to consider the decisions and practices of both national authorities and courts, as well as the case law of the European Union courts and the considerations included in the decisions of the European Commission.

  • The lawyers and attorneys at “CersJurkāns” provide professional support and strategic consultations to help clients understand these issues and ensure compliance with Latvian and European Union regulations and practices.
  • “CersJurkāns” lawyers and attorneys have represented their clients in several litigations related to competition law, successfully represented public entities in litigation related to state aid, and prepared necessary documents for the successful approval of company mergers.

Experts in this field

Zvērināts advokāts Olavs Cers, speciālists šadas nozares -Apdrošināšanas strīdi, Bankas un Finanšu iestādes, Ģimenes un Mantojumā tiesības, Komerctiesībās, Medicīnas tiesības, nekustamais īpašums un būvniecības tiesības, noziedzīgi iegūtu līdzekļu legalizācija novēršana (AML), Reorganizācija un maksātnespēja, pārstāvība tiesās un šķīrējstiesās, publiskās tiesības, Komerctiesības un M&A.

Olavs Cers

Partner, attorney at law
Zverināts advokāts Jānis Jurkāns speciālists šadas nozares - Apdrošināšanas strīdi, Bankas un Finanšu iestādes, Darba tiesības, Ģimenes un mantojuma tiesības, Komerctiesības un M&A, Nekustamais īpašums un būvniecības tiesības, noziedzīgi iegūtu līdzekļu legalizācijas novēršana (AML), Reorganizācija un maksātnespēja, Parstāvība tiesās un šķīrējtiesās, Starptautiskās privāttiesības un Eiropas Savienības tiesības.

Jānis Jurkāns

Partner, attorney at law
Jurists Kristaps Dortans specialists šādas nozarēs: Komerctiesības un M&A, maksātnespēja.

Kristaps Dortāns


Contact Us:

If you need legal assistance in competition law or state aid, please contact “CersJurkāns” by phone at +37167365865 or by email at to arrange a meeting with one of our attorneys or lawyers specializing in these matters!